Obtain Privileging
If a physician candidate intends to practice in a hospital and/or other health authority facility or program (e.g., residential care), they must formally apply for a medical staff appointment for the specific facility.
Along with the application, the physician is required to submit their credentials to confirm their identity, training, licensure, experience, reputation, and skill. This part of the process is referred to as credentialing. Credentialing is a prerequisite to privileging.
Privileging refers to the right granted by a health authority to a physician to provide specific, defined types of medical care within specific facilities and programs of the health authority.
Privileging may be a lengthy process and therefore should occur as soon as possible after the candidate has signed the offer letter. It is important to be aware of the timeline and associated steps.
A new standardized online credentialing and privileging system (CACTUS software) is now available for all BC health authorities. Physicians interested in applying for privileges should visit this site: British Columbia Medical Quality Initiative - Credential and Privileging System.