The funding/payment models for general practitioners in British Columbia may differ from other regions/countries. Follow this link to review the two main funding models (FFS and APP) and specific increases paid in some rural areas and for certain on-call services.
The vast majority of GPs in BC work as independent, self-employed business professionals and are paid by billing the Medical Services Plan for each eligible service they provide to patients (FFS).
- See the MSC payment schedule for a list of approved fees payable to eligible GPs.
- In addition to fee-for service, GPs may be eligible to receive incentive payments for coordinated, longitudinal patient care in areas such as chronic disease management, maternity care, and mental health.
- Find out more by reviewing the General Practice Services Committee Incentive Program.
- For a Simplified Guide to Fees and a list of GPSC Incentive payments outlined above, visit the SGP website.
Compensation, benefits, and incentives are different for each GP job opportunity, depending on location and situation (e.g. rural, urban, part/full-time, weekend work, nature of practice, etc.).